Sunday, May 11, 2008

The "wei da" mamas

My sis and i have organised a gathering at my grandma's house today. We have Jane's Cake Station durian and chocolate cakes.
Durian cake not so fact, i think Goodwood Park is still the best, following by Emicakes. I shall attempt to make my own durian cake the next time round...dump in all the pure durian flesh.

The chocolate cake is not too and not sweet. But some of my cousins don't like as they don't like the jelly-like texture. It's a bit like Awfully Chocolate. I guess they prefer the super dense and sweet kind. Coming back to mothers...I think all mothers are really very wei da. They give the best to their kids. Of course, our dads are wei da as well but i think the unconditional love provided by mums are much more than dads.

I have been very fortunate as my mum has been the one taking care of me since i was born. She was a full-time house maker till i was 23. She has been the one taking care of my meals, washing and ironing my clothes (actually till i got married). So she has spent a huge part of her life looking after me and my siblings. I seriously can't imagine that i have to do that as well if i have my kids next time.

Mother's Day

To avoid the crowd, i had dinner with my family last sun at the Jumbo Seafood. As usual, when it comes to seafood, i can only "see food". Actually, i am allergic to seafood but selected ones. The most no-no i can't touch will be prawn and crab. My throst itch and rashes will start to appear around my mouth and palms if i touch them. For the rest of the seafood, sometimes my throat will itch and i will need to eat a lot of stuff just to get rid of the itch.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Super hot!

It has super hot since last week...the effect of crazy weather...continous rain a month ago and now the scorching fact i prefer the sun as it means more business for my husband!

Can't believe my eyes when i saw a scoop of haagen-dazs ice cream cost S$5.50, two scoops $9.50. Just when did they increase the price? I thought it was expensive already but now it's worse! I guess i shall just stick to homemade ice cream (me /my husband's own creation). I have been a great supporter of our local homemade ice cream. =D

As mention in my last post, i shall update you about the chiffon cake from Pine Garden. It is not too bad...considering the cheap pricing too. As mother's day is round the corner, i have also placed order for the chocolate cake and durian cake from Jane's Cake Station. It has been almost 3 years since i tried their chocolate cake...just craving for it now!