Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Yummiest Desserts

Have you read the Sunday Times 2 or 3 weeks ago when they introduce the 50 yummiest cakes? Desserts are my favourite but i have cut down a lot cos i can hardly find the right kakis to share the "sins" with me...my husband will only touch a fifth of the dessert if i go with him, so i will end up having all the fats.

I have personally tried at least half of those yummiest cakes...the chocolate cakes are simply my favourite...especially the one from Jane Cake Station. However, it has been at least 2 years since i ate their cake as it's a bit inconvenient for me. Where is the most sinful chocolate cake i have come across? The seven layer chocolate cake at Seah Street Deli. This is not featured in the article. Perhaps you won't want to eat chocolate anymore after you have that..haha!

I just went to Pine Gardens today. I have seen articles on their creative cakes, like the lychee martini, and also their popular blackforest cake and chiffon cake, so i decided to have those. The lychee martini cake is refreshing cos of the lychees but there is not much of the vodka or martini liquor in it. The blackforest cake is good as the cherry has been soaked in kirsh or some other cherry liquor. I hate those that just use those cherry soaked in plain syrup. I always believe in QUALITY!

I have yet tried the chiffon cake as i decide to share with my colleagues tomorrow...will definitely give an update in my next entry.

I love dessert and also try to make my own, but i am lazy, just like when it comes to updating my blog. Problem with making my own dessert is that i don't like to eat them, no matter how good they are...i only sample them to make sure they are good...haha!

I just made the tiramisu recently. I have not made since a few months ago...that is the only dessert that i made most often as you don't need an oven at all. I'm just wondering now what dessert i am going to make next.